Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Importance of DETOX!

Liver Gall Flush

I've personally done this Liver Gall Flush below and although it's not entirely pleasant, I'm very glad I did it and will have to make time in my calendar to do this again. To my surprise, I had gall stones and didn't even know it! Do you have issues with gall stones? PMS? Bad skin? Gout? Eczema? This works! A clean liver will enable your body to absorb vitamins better, your system will function more efficiently and you will feel an overall sense of well-being. This recipe comes from my nutritionist who's word is the bible when it comes to any health concerns that I may have. He is the very first person that I consult with myself. I will interview him in the future and post his contact information soon but for now, he's all mine!

Btw, this takes 2 days and I suggest that you begin it on a Friday or Saturday so it doesn't interfere with your work week.

Day 1

Morning: Only fruit, toast, jam....NO butter!

Lunch only cooked vegetables (no oil, or anything else) (may I suggest a home-made gazpacho soup)

Anytime- water, as desired

6:00pm 1 level tablespoon Epsom salt (available at any pharmacy over the counter for oral consumption) in 3/4c water

8:00pm 1 level tablespoon Epsom salt in 3/4c water

Bedtime (10:00pm or sooner)
1/2c virgin olive oil + 1/2-3/4c grapefruit juice (fresh squeezed)
-shake well, drink*, and go straight to bed- lie on your right side, or your back

Note: Do everything you need to do before you drink your juice-oil drink- brush your teeth, make your bed, put on your PJ’s, and anything else you do before bed, because as soon as you drink the mix, you lie down to bed; right away. This is important!

Day 2

Morning: as soon as you wake up; 1tablespoon Epsom salt in 3/4c water

2 hours later 1 tablespoon Epsom salt in 3/4c water

1 hour later eat only some fruit

1 hour later eat as desired, with small portions

* Some people may experience nausea their first try of this flush on the second day. The important thing is that you get through day one as most of the gall stones will be released the first night and in the morning.

Good luck and I hope it helps! Feel free to give me your feedback on your experience with this flush.

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