Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cure for Bad Breath?

Besides going to the dentist for regular cleanings and check ups, sometimes that's not enough. Of course if you diet consists of cabbage and garlic, I could solve your problem in 2 seconds flat but it's not so simple. However, here are a few natural tried and true methods to help you with some of those embarrassing little issues that no one seems to want to tell you about. Bad breath! I'll cut to the chase...give this home-made oral rinse a try:
Ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
Pinch of Baking Soda
Pinch of Salt
Water (Preferably Purified)
Essential peppermint oil (optional)
Tongue Scraper

Mix one part water with one part peroxide. You can find peroxide in every pharmacy. Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda so that it is not very salty but you can still taste the salt. This is your mouth wash. You can add some essential oil or peppermint for taste but it's not necessary. Scrape your tongue with the tongue scraper or brush it with a tooth brush. Then proceed to swish and gargle regularly for a couple of minutes. Repeat twice per day or as needed. Don't forget to floss too!

If you find that this is not effective, chances are you have a few more serious issues. Nothing to worry about just yet. However give this a try:

Flora Balance "The Good Bacteria"
Flora Balance is a good bacteria, otherwise known as a probiotic bacteria. Probiotics dramatically increase overall nutrition and enhance rapid cellular growth and development, sounds good so far, right? Probiotics strengthen the immune system, due to the support to the immune system, they have been used in alleviating allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome and systemic candida. Probiotic bacteria work in symbiosis with tissue and organ cells to metabolize proteins and help eliminate toxic wastes from the body, sounds dreamy!

So this leads us into how it can alleviate bad breath. Well, hydrocarbons are broken down by probiotic bacteria which means the food is being split into its most basic elements.
Since probiotics clean the colon, bad breath and body odor are greatly reduced. This is because the lungs and skin will be utilized by the body to help eliminate toxins when the intestinal tract is clogged and functioning poorly. I have personally tried this and I have to say that it worked for me. Even if you don't have bad breath, there are many other benefits to using probiotics and I will discuss them in a separate post.


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