Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Introduction - Beauty On The Inside...

Beauty on the inside, what does that mean? Is it possible?

I am here to tell you that as long as you eat healthy, exercise and take the right supplements, you too can achieve better overall health....achieve beauty on the inside which in turn will reflect on the outside. Sounds simple, right?! I've picked up a few tricks along the way and would love nothing more than to share them with you! I will interview some of the leading experts in their respective fields and give you the 411 on your health and beauty questions. From expert nutritionists, professional chefs, bio-identical hormone specialists, elite personal trainers, the most sought after dermatologists and plastic surgeons all here to provide you with some valuable information. Information that you can use.

So....where do you start? First things first, the basics...you are what you eat! This is true. What you put into your body can affect every organ, cell and your general mental well-being....seriously! Eating a well-planned meal several times a day can curb those little nasty munchies that everyone gets from time to time which can end up on your waist-line and bottom line...Booooo!!!! Taking the right supplements for you and I mean specifically for you will help you immensely and I will tell you how this is possible.

Internal cleansing. What is it? Is it a good idea before you begin a diet? You bet it is. Been there done that and guess what, I'm going to do it again, and so can you! I'll tell you what worked for me. Want better skin too? Internal cleansing just might do the trick!

Exercise, as much as some of us hate it, in the end it does serve it's purpose. It improves your cardiovascular health, improves mood and.....wait for it.....gets rid of excess calories!!! Who knew?

So come along this journey with me as I share a few things I've picked up from top trainers and leading beauty experts. I'd like to show you the tools to get the advice and answers you need.

Let's begin......