For those seeking to lose those extra pounds consider the introduction of Niacin supplements. Niacin will improve the rate of food digestion and speed the metabolism of carbohydrates. As an added extra bonus, dieters on a low carbohydrate diet, may negate the affects of the “listlessness” or “blues " associated with the low carbohydrate diet while simultaneously working to improve metabolism and burn off calories while taking this supplement.
Niacin is a water soluble B3 vitamin and it is important for converting calories from protein, fat and carbohydrates into energy. But it also helps the digestive system function and promotes a normal appetite and healthy skin and nerves. Found naturally in sources of protein such as red meat, poultry, fish and nuts. Even potatoes, pasta and yeast extract also contain this vitamin. Some foods such as bread and breakfast cereals are also fortified with niacin. The body is also able to make niacin from an amino acid (protein building block) called tryptophan. This means foods that are a good source of tryptophan such as eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt, can contribute to recommended intakes of niacin.
Niacin can be taken in a tablet form as a supplement to your standard or low carb diet. In combination with other B vitamins, Niacin works to release energy from ingested carbohydrates while adding the additional B the body requires on a daily basis. Additionally, within the bloodstream, Niacin works to decrease the level of cholesterol and fat in the bloodstream as well. This combination, mixed with a low carbohydrate diet, can lead to significant weight loss. Niacin has also been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol the 'bad' cholesterol that clogs the heart's arteries and triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol (the 'good' cholesterol that prevents hardening of the artery walls).
However, Niacin is not for everyone. Consult with your doctor prior to taking Niacin supplements, especially if you are taking any medications for high blood pressure. The Niacin could make your blood pressure drop way too low. And if you have Diabetes, Niacin could raise your Blood sugar level too high. If you are suffering from Gout, Niacin could raise your uric acid levels and cause an attack so please consult with a physician prior to taking this supplement as you must work with your doctor to have your cholesterol and liver functions checked often. If you have liver disease or ulcers, Niacin could exasperate the condition.
Noticeable side effect from taking Niacin is what they call the “Niacin flush”, for 15 to 30 minutes the face and neck get red, hot and itchy. However, it eventually wears off. I do take Niacin supplements and take one in the morning on a full stomach prior to my morning shower, this way, when the flush hits me, I’m covered in cool water and barely notice the effects.
So, think that you have a difficiency? A deficiency of Niacin is rare. Keep your eyes open for things like: skin problems, weakness, fatigue and a loss of appetite. In extreme cases, a condition called pellagra develops, which is mainly seen in third world countries. This is characterized by weight loss, skin problems, diarrhea, depression and in severe cases, dementia. Anorexics are often deficient in Niacin and suffer many of the above mentioned side effects.